Changes in Indices

Due to the merger through absorption of the company DELTA SINGULAR S.A. by ALPHA BANK S.A. and the cessation of trading of the shares of DELTA SINGULAR S.A. on the Athens Exchange, the following changes in the indices in which it participates will be realized.

Also, due to the elapse of ten working days since the start date of suspension of trading of the shares of the company VETERIN S.A. the erasure of the shares of the company from the indices in which it participates is provided.

More specifically:

  • The shares of the company DELTA SINGULAR S.A. are deleted from the Composite Index of the Main Market and the General Total Return Index of the Main Market and are replaced by the shares of the company FORTHnet S.A
  • The shares of the company DELTA SINGULAR S.A. are deleted from the Information Technology Index and are replaced by the shares of the company UNISYSTEMS S.A.
  • The shares of the company DELTA SINGULAR S.A. are deleted from the FTSE/ASE Mid 40 Index and are replaced by the shares of the company JUMBO S.A. weighted by 50%.
  • The shares of the company DELTA SINGULAR S.A. are deleted from FTSE/ASE 140 and are replaced by the shares of the company P. PETROPOULOS S.A., weighted by 30%.
  • The shares of the company JUMBO S.A. are erased from FTSE/ASE SmallCap 80 and are replaced by the shares of the company P. PETROPOULOS S.A., weighted by 30%.
  • The shares of the company VETERIN S.A. are erased from FTSE/ASE SmallCap 80 FTSE/ASE 140 and are replaced by the shares of the company I. KLOUKINAS - I. LAPPAS S.A., weighted by 20%.
  • The shares of the company VETERIN S.A. are erased from the High Velocity Index with no instant replacement by shares of another company. The replacement of the shares in the Index will take place according to par. 10.1.1. of the Ground Rules for the Management and Calculation of the Indices of the shares'' market of the ATHEX after the elapse of 10 working

The changes will take place after the end of the trading session of 8.4.2005