Board of Director roles and Audit Committee
Coca-Cola HBC AG
Board of Director roles and Audit Committee
Zug, Switzerland – 24 June 2013 – Further to the announcements made by Coca‑Cola HBC AG ("Coca-Cola HBC") on 28 May 2013 and 20 June 2013 and the retirement of Kent Atkinson as a non-executive director at its extraordinary general meeting held on 19 June 2013 ("EGM"), Coca-Cola HBC today announces that its board of directors has appointed Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith as Coca-Cola HBC's Senior Independent Director and Nigel Macdonald as Chairman of the Audit Committee, to succeed Mr. Atkinson in these roles, with effect from 21 June 2013.
In addition, Stefan F. Heidenreich, who was elected as a non-executive director at Coca-Cola HBC's EGM, has also been appointed to succeed Mr. Atkinson as a member of the Audit Committee, with effect from 21 June 2013.
This announcement is made pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.11.