Completion of the empty spaces of the ATHEX Indices after the deletion of the shares of the company EFKLEIDIS S.A.

Following the deletion of the shares of the company EFKLEIDIS TECHNICAL CO. S.A. from the Composite Index of the Parallel Market, the Total Return Index of the Parallel Market and the Construction Index, respectively, on December 23, 2003 - without its immediate replacement with another share- and in accordance with the provisions stipulated in §10.1.1 of the Ground Rules for the Calculation and Management of Indices of the Securities Market of the ATHEX, the completion of the empty spaces for the composition of the aforementioned indices will be carried out after the end of today''s session.

More specifically,

  • The shares of the company P.KOTSOVOLOS S.A. will fill the empty positions in the Composite Index and the Total Return Index of the Parallel Market, respectively.
  • The shares of the company EMPEDOS S.A. will fill the empty position in the Construction Index.

Moreover, for the same period of time, the shares of the company EFKLEIDIS TECHNICAL CO. S.A. are deleted from the FTSE/ASE SmallCap 80 and FTSE/ASE All 140 indices, respectively, in which they participate.

More specifically,

  • In the FTSE/ASE SmallCap 80 and FTSE/ASE All 140 indices, the shares of the company EFKLEIDIS TECHNICAL CO. S.A. are deleted and replaced with the shares of the company THESSALONIKI PORT AUTHORITY S.A. with a 30% weight of their shares.

All changes will be effective after the end of the session of January 9, 2004.