Notification concerning changes in voting rights (L.3556/2007)
LAMDA Development S.A. (the Issuer) announces, in accordance with the provision of article 14 Law 3556/2007, after relevant notification from National Bank of Greece that on February 20, 2013, its participation in the share capital and voting rights of the Issuer is 5.95% due to the recent acquisition of the 84.35% of Eurobank Ergasias' shares.
It is noted that the Ethniki Hellenic General Insurance held directly 11.000 voting rights of the Issuer, which corresponded to 0.03% of the Issuer's total voting rights and Eurobank Ergasias held directly 2.621.633 voting rights of the Issuer, which corresponded to 5.92% of the Issuer's total voting rights.