Prize awarding ceremony


Prize awarding ceremony

May 18, 2013


On Saturday 18 of May 2013 took place the Awarding Ceremony of the 6th International Industrial Design Competition of Office and Home Furniture which was conducted in the central hall of the International University of Thessaloniki, with the initiative of the company DROMEAS under the auspices of the Ministry of Development. The winners of the night had the honour to get their prizes from the General Secretary of Public Works, Mr. Stratos Simopoulos, the Regional Director of Central Macedonia, Mr. Apostolos Tzitzikostas, the Consul of the German Consulate in Thessaloniki, Mr Wolfgang Hoelscher -Obermaier,  the chairman of the International University of Greece, Mr. Kostas Grammenos and the Chairman of the company DROMEAS Mr. Athanasios Papapanagiotou.


The participations which were submitted this year were all of them distinguished for the design consequence and their creative originality. The evaluation committee of the competition, consisted by Organization of Architects, Decorators University and Polytechnics representatives, examined the submitted proposals and chose for prize awarding the following:  :


1st Prize         

To Ilias Georgakopoulos for the partition «SpaceWeaver»

Monetary amount 5.000 €


2nd Prize        

To Philippos Perdikakis for the «Ring»

Monetary amount 2.000 €


3rd Prize        

To Spiros Kizis for the «Natural Twin»

Monetary amount 1.000 €


1st Praise       

To Nikolaos Kotrozinis for the «Table Writing»

2nd Praise      

To Sofia Garnara for the «Mood»

3rd Praise  

To Giannis Giannoutsos for the «Curved armchair»


The new designers were required to balance between usability, ergonomics and aesthetics and to create proposals which meet the needs of the modern times. As the Chairman and CEO of the Company DROMEAS Mr. Athanasios Papapanagiotou emphasized, the decision for the organising of the competition had and still has as an object the promotion of the industrial design importance, the manufacturing industry as well the encouragement especially of young people to get involved with it.