Regulatory Announcement
Coca-Cola HBC AG
Regulatory Announcement
Zug, Switzerland – 29 April 2013 – Further to its announcement of earlier today in connection with the admission of its ordinary shares to the premium listing segment of the Official List of the United Kingdom Listing Authority and to trading on the main market for listed securities of the London Stock Exchange (“Admission”), under the ticker CCH, Coca-Cola HBC AG (“Coca-Cola HBC”) hereby announces the following:
Share Capital Information and Total Voting Rights
On Admission, Coca-Cola HBC's issued share capital consisted of 355,023,939 ordinary shares of CHF 6.70, of which 14,925 ordinary shares are held by Coca-Cola HBC in treasury. Accordingly, as at today's date, the total number of voting rights in Coca-Cola HBC is 355,009,014 for the purposes of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (“DTRs”).
Shareholders may use the above total voting rights figure as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the share capital of Coca-Cola HBC under the DTRs.
This announcement is made in accordance with DTR 5.6.1.
Board of Directors and Composition of Board committees
On 25 April 2013, out of the seven members of the board of directors (the “Board”) of Coca-Cola HBC three members resigned, namely Mr. Patrick Oesch, Mr. Ryan Rudolph and Ms. Claudia Goebel. Upon such resignations, nine new directors were appointed to the Board of Coca-Cola HBC in addition to the remaining four directors. As a result of these changes, the Board of Coca-Cola HBC comprises 13 directors, as follows:
George A. David |
Chairman |
Anastasios P. Leventis |
Vice-chairman |
Anastassis G. David |
Non-executive director |
Haralambos K. Leventis |
Non-executive director |
Dimitris Lois |
Executive director |
John Hunter |
Non-executive director |
Irial Finan |
Non-executive director |
Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith |
Independent non-executive director |
Nigel Macdonald |
Independent non-executive director |
Antonio D'Amato |
Independent non-executive director |
Kent Atkinson |
Senior Independent non-executive director |
Christos Ioannou |
Independent non-executive director |
Susan Kilsby |
Independent non-executive director |
As of the same date, the Board of Coca-Cola HBC constituted the following committees:
Audit committee: Mr. Kent Atkinson (chairman), Mr. Christos Ioannou and Mr. Nigel Macdonald.
Nomination committee: Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith (chairman), Mr. Anastassis G. David, Mr. Antonio D'Amato, Mrs. Susan Kilsby and Mr. John Hunter.
Remuneration committee: Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith (chairman), Mr. Antonio D'Amato and Mrs. Susan Kilsby.
Social Responsibility committee: Sir Michael Llewellyn-Smith (chairman), Mr. George A. David and Mr. John Hunter.
Home Member State Notification
Coca-Cola HBC hereby elects the United Kingdom as its Home Member State for the purposes of the EU Transparency Directive (2004/109/EC, as amended).