KIRIACOULIS MEDITERRANEAN CRUISES SHIPPING SA Announcement of regulated information according to Law 3556/2007
Kiriacoulis Mediterranean Cruises Shipping SA in accordance with the provisions of Law 3556/2007 and the Decision 1/434/3.7.2007 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, announces that:
1) On 19.08.2013
the shareholder Areti Kiriacouli, who is non-executive member of the Company's BOD and liable person according to the Article 13 of Law 3340/2005, bought 233.000 shares of a total value of 230.200,69 euro, a transaction that was disclosed on us in accordance with the law.
The consequence of this transaction is that the percentage of Mrs. Areti Kiriacouli in the Company's share capital increased from 33,2% corresponding to 2.521.580 shares and voting rights of the company to 36,27% corresponding to 2.754.580 shares and voting rights of the company.
2) On 22.08.2013
the shareholder Areti Kiriacouli, who is non-executive member of the Company's BOD and liable person according to the Article 13 of Law 3340/2005, sold 230.000 shares of a total value of 225.860 euro, a transaction that was disclosed on us in accordance with the law.
The consequence of this transaction is that the percentage of Mrs. Areti Kiriacouli in the Company's share capital decreased from 36,27% corresponding to 2.754.580 shares and voting rights of the company to 33,24% corresponding to 2.524.580 shares and voting rights of the company.
3) On 22.08.2013
The shareholder Theofanis Kiriacoulis, who is executive director of the Company's BOD and liable person (President & Managing Director of the Company's BOD) according to the Article 13 of Law 3340/2005, bought 115.000 shares of a total value of 112.930 euro, a transaction that was disclosed on us in accordance with the law.
4) On 22.08.2013
The shareholder Spyridon Kiriacoulis, who is executive director of the Company's BOD and liable person (Vice President of the Company's BOD) according to the article 13 of Law 3340/2005, bought 115.000 shares of a total value of 112.930 euro, a transaction that was disclosed on us in accordance with the law.
Athens, 22/08/2013