Announcement for the disposal of own shares
The company “LAMDA DEVELOPMENT HOLDING & REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT CO. S.A” (hereinafter the “Company”) announces that its Board of Directors, at a meeting held on 18.06.2014 has decided to initiate the procedure regarding the disposal of the total number of own shares currently held by the Company, i.e. 3.497.599 own shares of nominal value of Euro 0.30 each, which correspond to 7.88% of the Company's total share capital paid up (hereinafter “Own Shares”), through the sale of the above shares to suitable investors, who will be assessed and specifically selected by the Company's Board of Directors. The disposal of Own Shares shall take place within twelve (12) months from the date on which the meeting of the Board of Directors is held, i.e. from 18 June 2014 to 18 June 2015, and at a price specifically approved by the Company's Board of Directors prior to the execution of the said transaction. In case the disposal of Own Shares takes place after the approval of the Prospectus of the SCI by the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission, the disposal price of the Own Shares shall be no less than Euro 4.25.