INVITATION to shareholders for the 7th Annual General Meeting - 3 Apr 2008

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(Reg. Number 45688/06/Β/00/30)
(FISCAL YEAR 01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007)

In accordance with the law and the Articles of Association of the Company, by the resolution of its Board of Directors of 17.3.2008, the shareholders of HELLENIC EXCHANGES S.A. HOLDING, CLEARING, SETTLEMENT & REGISTRY are invited to the seventh (7th) Annual General Meeting, which will take place on Wednesday May 14th 2008 at 17:00, in Athens, at the headquarters of the Company (110 Athinon Ave., "HERMES" hall), in order to discuss and decide on the following items of the Daily Agenda:
1. Submission and approval of the Board of Directors' and Chartered Auditors' reports regarding the Annual Financial Statements for the seventh (7th) fiscal year (01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007).
2. Submission and approval of the Annual Financial Statements for the seventh (7th) fiscal year (01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007).
3. Approval of the distribution of profits for the seventh (7th) fiscal year (01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007).
4. Release the members of the Board of Directors and the Chartered Auditors from all liability for their management of the seventh (7th) fiscal year (01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007).
5. Approval of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors for the seventh (7th) fiscal year (01/01/2007 - 31/12/2007), in accordance with article 24, §2 of the codified law 2190/1920.
6. Pre-approval of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors for the next, eighth (8th), fiscal year 2008 (01/01/2008 - 31/12/2008).
7. Approval of the members of the Board of Directors elected to replace members that resigned.
8. Appointment of regular and substitute Chartered Auditors for the eighth (8th) fiscal year 2008 (01/01/2008 - 31/12/2008), and determination of their remuneration.
9. Approval of the adjustment of article 5 of the Articles of Association concerning the share capital, due to its increase as a result of the exercise of stock option rights.
10. Modification, rephrasing, abolition and renumbering of clauses of the Articles of Association in order to make them more functional and to adjust them to Codified Law 2190/1920.
11. Approval of a share buy-back program, in accordance with article 16 of Codified Law 2190/1920.
12. Modification of the approved share distribution program to executives of the companies of the Group in the form of a stock option plan, in accordance with article 13 of Codified Law 2190/1920.
13. Approval of a share distribution program to executives of the companies of the Group in the form of a stock option plan, in accordance with article 13 of Codified Law 2190/1920.
14. Resolution on the transmission, by the Company, of information using electronic means (article 18 Law 3556/2007).
15. Various announcements

Shareholders who wish to participate in the seventh (7th) Annual General Meeting of the Company must block their shares, either through their authorized broker (provided their shares are registered in a User's Account in the Dematerialized Securities System-DSS), or via the Company ? following the merger by absorption of "Central Securities Depository" - (provided their shares are registered in the Special Investor's Account in the DSS) and to submit the relevant CSD certificates blocking the shares for participation in the General Meeting as well as the relevant representation documents, to the company's headquarters (110 Athinon Ave.), and in particular to the Strategic Planning, Communication and Investor Relations Division (5th floor, tel +30 210 336 6616) by Thursday, May 8th 2008.
If the quorum, as required by the Law and the Articles of Association in order to decide any of the items of the original daily agenda, is not obtained during the meeting of 14/5/2008, the General Meeting will convene again in a 1st Repetitive Meeting on Thursday 22/5/2008 at 17:00, in Athens, at the headquarters of the Company. If and at the meeting on that date the quorum, as required by the Law and the Articles of Association in order to decide any items of the original daily agenda, is not obtained, the General Meeting will convene again in a 2nd Repetitive Meeting on Wednesday 4/6/2008 at 17:00, in Athens, at the headquarters of the Company. In the Repetitive General Meetings, and for any shares that do not remain blocked in accordance with article 42 §5 of the D.S.S. Operation Regulation, Shareholders that wish to participate in the Repetitive General meetings must present the relevant share blocking certificates for participation in the General Meeting as well as the relevant representation documents, during working days and hours, at the abovementioned address, by Friday May 16th 2008 for the 1st Repetitive Meeting and by Thursday May 29th 2008 for the 2nd Repetitive meeting.

Athens, 17 March 2008
The Board of Directors