HELEX Group 9M 2007 Financial Results - 29 Oct 2007

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HELEX 9M 2007 financial results
EUR66 ml. net after tax profits, increased by 55%

29 October 2007 - The consolidated net after tax profits of HELEX in 9M 2007 amounted to EUR66.0 ml. vs. EUR42.6 ml in the corresponding period last year, increased by 55%.

The consolidated turnover of the Group increased by 35% to EUR117.5 ml vs. EUR86.8 ml. in 9M 2006. This increase is due mainly to the 35% increase in revenue from the clearing of transactions in the cash market (EUR42.2 ml. in 9M 2007 vs. EUR31.2 ml. in the corresponding period last year), the doubling of revenue from listed companies, which amounted to EUR24.4 ml. in 9M 2007 vs. 12.2 ml. in 9M 2006 (revenue from rights issues EUR16 ml. vs. EUR5.4 ml.)

Due to the new pricing policy of the Group, which went into effect on 1.1.2007, revenue from transactions decreased by 14% (EUR25.2 ml. in 9M 2007 vs. EUR29.3 ml. in the corresponding period last year), despite the increase in the value of transactions by 35% (average daily value of transactions EUR461 ml. in 9M 2007 vs. EUR341 ml. in 9M 2006). The revenue loss from the lower fees on transactions was in part offset by new charges on services.

In the derivatives market (trading and clearing), revenue is increased by 12% (EUR7.3 ml,. vs. EUR6.5 ml. in the corresponding period last year), reflecting the increase in the number of contracts (average daily number of contracts 33.6 thousand in 9M 2007 vs. 31.1 thousand in the corresponding period last year).

The operating expenses of the Group amounted to EUR20.0 ml. in 9M 2007 vs. EUR19.6 ml. in the corresponding period last year, posting a 2% increase. The 9M results include a number of non-repeating expenses in the amount of EUR2.9 ml. concerning the upgrade of the technological infrastructure of the Group and the relocation to the new premises, as well as a provision for financial support to fire victims in the amount of EUR1.0 ml.

Thus, the operating profit (EBIT) of the Group was EUR86.9 ml. in 9M 2007 compared to EUR60.2 ml. in 9M 2006, increased by 44%.

HELEX's financial statements are posted on the Company's website (http://www.helex.gr/).