INVITATION to shareholders for the 6th Annual General Meeting - 16 Apr 2007

(Reg. Number 45688/06/Β/00/30)
(FISCAL YEAR 01/01/2006 - 31/12/2006)
In accordance with the law and the Articles of Association of the Company, by decision of its Board of Directors of 16.4.2007, the shareholders of HELLENIC EXCHANGES S.A. HOLDING, CLEARING, SETTLEMENT & REGISTRY are invited to the sixth (6th) Annual General Meeting, which will take place on Wednesday May 9th, 2007 at 17:00, at the former trading floor of Athens Exchange, 10 Sophocleous St., Athens, Greece, in order to discuss and decide on the following items of the Daily Agenda:
- Submission and approval of the Board of Directors' and Chartered Auditors' reports regarding the Annual Financial Statements for the sixth (6th) fiscal year (from 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2006).
- Submission and approval of the Annual Financial Statements for the sixth (6th) fiscal year (from 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2006).
- Approval of the distribution of profits for the sixth (6th) fiscal year (from 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2006).
- Release the members of the Board of Directors and the Chartered Auditors from any liability for their duties for the sixth (6th) fiscal year (from 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2006).
- Approval of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors for the sixth (6th) fiscal year (from 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2006), in accordance with article 24, §2 of the codified law 2190/1920, as it applies.
- Pre-approval of the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors for the next, seventh (7th), fiscal year 2007 (from 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2007).
- Appointment of regular and substitute Chartered Auditors for the seventh (7th) fiscal year 2007 (from 01/01/2007 to 31/12/2007), and determination of their remuneration.
- Reduction in the share capital of the Company by EUR35,135,731.50 by a reduction in the par value of the share by ?0.50 and payment of the corresponding amount to shareholders.
- Modification of Article 5 (re: Share Capital) of the Company's Articles of Association.
- Approval of a stock option program to executives of the companies of the Group, in accordance with article 13(9) of Common law 2190/1920 as it applies.
- Various announcements
Shareholders who wish to participate in the sixth (5th) Annual General Meeting of the Company must block their shares, either through their authorized broker (provided their shares are registered in a User's Account in the Dematerialized Securities System-DSS), or via the Company - following the merger by absorption of "Central Securities Depository" - (provided their shares are registered in the Special Investor's Account in the DSS) and to submit the relevant CSD certificates blocking the shares for participation in the General Meeting as well as the relevant representation documents, at the company's headquarters (1 Pesmazoglou St.., 4th floor, Athens, Greece), by Thursday, May 3rd 2007.
Athens, 16/4/2007
The Board of Directors