Decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders - 22 Feb 2002


Athens, February 22nd 2002



At the Extraordinary General Meeting on 22.2.2002 the shareholders of Hellenic Exchanges Holding S.A. decided to proceed with the amendment of the article on share capital of the Corporate Charter, according to the provisions of article 13a, paragraph 2, of Law 2190/1920, given the partial coverage of the share capital increase by contribution in kind, which had been decided at the first reiterative Extraordinary General Meeting on 28.12.2001.

As a consequence, the share capital of the company amounts to ? 358,995,273.65 (GRD 122,327,639,496) and is divided into 71,088,173 common registered shares with a nominal value of ? 5.05 (GRD 1,720.7875) each.

Following the registration of the Corporate Charter amendment in the companies? registrar, HELEX will proceed with the required actions for the listing and trading of the shares that have resulted from the completed share capital increase.

Furthermore, the shareholders approved of the election of Mr. A. Chasiotis, Mr. N. Karamouzis and Mr. S. Theodoropoulos as members of the Board of Directors in replacement of the resigned members.