INVITATION to 2nd Repetitive General Meeting on 25 Nov 2003 - 14 Nov 2003
Athens, November 14th 2003
Due to the lack of quorum in order to discuss and take decisions on the sole item on the agenda of the First Repeated General Meeting dated November 10, 2003, the shareholders of the Societe Anonyme with the corporate name "HELLENIC EXCHANGES HOLDING S.A." are hereby invited again to participate, according to the Law and the Company's Articles of Association, in the Second Repeated General Meeting of the company to be held on Tuesday 25st November, at 16.30 hours in the main hall of the Athens Exchange at 10 Sofocleous st., Athens, in order to discuss and take decisions on the following sole item on the agenda:
Modification of the article 2 (Company's purpose) of the Articles of Association
Shareholders wishing to participate in the Second General Meeting of the company must bind over their shares either via their Operator (where the shares are recorded in the Operator's Account of the Investor Share in the Dematerialized Securities System) or via the Central Securities Depository (where the shares are recorded in the Special Account of the Investor Share in the Dematerialized Securities System) and furnish the relevant blocking, for the participation in the general meeting, certificates from the Central Securities Depository as well as any representation documents to the offices of the company (4th floor, 1 Pesmazoglou st.) no later than Wednesday 19.11.2003.