H1 2004 Financial Statements - 12 Aug 2004

Athens, August 12th2004



The HELEX Group profit for the first half of 2004, before tax and after the deduction of minority rights, amounted to €31.699m, versus €24.351m for the respective period of 2003, an increase of 30.2%.

Consolidated turnover reached €31.768m against €25.197m in the corresponding 2003 period. Turnover posted a 26.1% increase, boosted by the performance of the local cash and derivatives market. Operational cost has been reduced by a further 9.9%, while, if depreciation is included, the reduction amounts to 12.9%. Thus the EBITDA figure, positively affected by improvement in turnover, along with successful efforts for cost containment, amounted to €17.724m, versus € 9.917m, an increase of 78.7%.

The Group's results are significantly reinforced from trading gains, stemming from selling treasury stock, of €9.2m. At the same time, results are also positively affected by an extraordinary income of €4.4m, derived from unutilized provisions for the devaluation of the Group's share portfolio.

The holding company income from holdings in subsidiary companies and trading gains amounts to €23.690 million, compared to €11.411m for 2003. This amount includes ½ quota of 2003 dividend for the first half of the current year, as well as the aforementioned €9.2m trading gain from treasury stock. The net profit before taxes amounts to €26.781m, versus €10.767m during 2003, an increase by 148.7%. It is noted that following these positive results, all holding company losses, incurred during previous periods, are written off.