INVITATION to Extraordinary General Meeting on 5/9/2005 - 28 Jul 2005




28 July 2005 - Hellenic Exchanges Holding S.A. (HELEX), in accordance with the law and the Articles of Association of the company, by the relevant decision of its Board of Directors of July 18th 2005, invites its shareholders to the Extraordinary General Meeting, which will be convened on Monday September 5th 2005 at 16:00, at the former trading floor of the Athens Exchange, 10 Sofocleous Str., Athens, Greece, in order to discuss and approve the following items on the Daily Agenda:

1.   Share capital decrease of the Company in the amount of €2.573.130 by the cancellation of its 857.710 own common registered shares, the result of share buybacks, in accordance with the regulations of article 16 of law 2190/1920 currently in force.

2.   The modification of Article 5 (re: Share Capital) of the Articles of Association of the company.

3.   The modification of Article 2 (re: Purpose of the Company) of the Articles of Association of the company.

Shareholders who wish to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting of the company must block their shares, either through their authorized user (provided their shares are registered in a User?s Account in the Dematerialized Securities System-DSS), or via the Central Securities Depository-CSD in Athens (provided their shares are registered in the Special Investor's Account in the DSS) and to submit the relevant CSD certificates of blocking of shares for participation in the General Meeting as well as their relevant representation documents, at the company's headquarters (1, Pesmazoglou Str., 4th floor, Athens, Greece), by Tuesday, August 30th 2005.

Athens, 18/7/2005

The Board of Directors