FY 2004 Financial Statements - 24 Feb 2005

Athens, February 24th 2005



The BoD of the Hellenic Exchanges Group of Companies S.A. (HELEX) has approved the financial statements for the fiscal year 2004 and decided to propose to the AGM (to be held on April 25th 2005) an ordinary dividend payment of €0.20 per share.

Additionally, the BoD decided to propose to the AGM a capital return of €2,05 per share, with equivalent decrease of the nominal value of its shares.

According to the consolidated Balance Sheet of the company, the Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) for the fiscal year 2004 amount to €72.6 million versus €43.8 million for the previous year. It is noted that 2004 statements include earnings of €40.6 million from the sale of securities portfolio.

Earnings per share (EPS) reached €1.02 in 2004 against €0.62 in 2003, up by 65.86%.

The company's financial statements will be issued on Thursday, February 24th 2005.