Cancellation of Treasury Stock - 30 Sep 2005

Cancellation of Treasury Stock



30 September 2005 - The Board of Directors of "HELLENIC EXCHANGES HOLDING COMPANY S.A." wishes to inform the investing public that the 1st Repetitive Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting, which was held on 19/9/2005, decided among other issues, the reduction of the company's share capital by two million five hundred seventy three thousand one hundred thirty (2,573,130) euro, by reducing the total number of shares from seventy one million eighty eight thousand one hundred seventy three (71,088,073) to seventy million two hundred thirty thousand four hundred sixty three (70,230,463) common registered shares, through the cancellation of eight hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred ten (857,710) own shares, according to article 16 of law 2190/1920 as it applies.

The abovementioned eight hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred ten (857,710) own shares owned by the Company were purchased in the period 12/9/2001 - 11/9/2002, in execution of the decision of the General Meeting of the Company's shareholders of 12/9/2001, as well as the decisions of the Board of Directors of 11/9/2001, 20/9/2001 and 16/9/2002.

Following the abovementioned share capital decrease, the share capital of the company amounts to two hundred ten million six hundred ninety one thousand three hundred eighty nine (210,691,389) euro, divided into seventy million two hundred thirty thousand four hundred sixty three (70,230,463) common registered shares, with a par value of three (3) euro each.

On 26/9/2005 decision K2-12040 of the Minister of Development approving the changes of the relevant articles of the Articles of Association of the Company was registered in the Companies Registry. The Board of Directors of ATHEX on 29/9/2005 was informed about the share capital decrease due to the cancellation of company shares.

Based on the above, by decision of the Board of Directors of the Company, from 3/10/2005 trading in ATHEX of the eight hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred ten shares (857,710) is to be ceased, and the shares are to be cancelled.

For more information, shareholders can contact the Company's Department of Strategic Planning and Investor Relations (tel. +30-210/336 6934, Mr. Simeon Spyrou).

Athens, 29/9/2005