INVITATION to the 1st Extrordinary General Meeting - 31 Aug 2006

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Due to the lack of the required quorum at the Extraordinary General Meeting of 31.8.2006, for discussing and deciding on the items of the daily agenda, the shareholders of HELLENIC EXCHANGES HOLDING S.A. (HELEX), in accordance with the law and the Company's Articles of Association and following the decision of its Board of Directors of 31.8.2006, are again invited to participate in the 1st Repetitive Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, which will take place on Wednesday September 13th 2006 at 17:00, at the former trading floor of Athens Exchange, at 10 Sophocleous St., Athens, Greece, in order to discuss and decide on the following items of the Daily Agenda:

1.      Modifications of article 1 (Incorporation, Name, Commercial Name) and article 2 (Purpose of the Company) of the Company's Articles of Association

2.      Various announcements

Shareholders who wish to participate in the 1st Repetitive Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company must block their shares, either through their authorized broker (provided their shares are registered in a User's Account in the Dematerialized Securities System-DSS), or via the Central Securities Depository-CSD in Athens (provided their shares are registered in the Special Investor's Account in the DSS) and to submit the relevant CSD certificates blocking the shares for participation in the General Meeting as well as the relevant representation documents, at the company's headquarters (1 Pesmazoglou St., 4th floor, Athens - Greece), by Thursday, 7.9.2006.