Announcement According to article 101 par.2 of Law 4548/2018
V.A.T. No: 094004914, General Commercial Registry (G.E.MI)
No.: 000251501000, (the «Company»)
According to article 101 par.2 of Law 4548/2018
(Disclosure of Transactions with Related Parties)
ELLAKTOR SA (hereinafter the "Company"), announces to the investment community that the meeting of its Board of Directors on 10.01.2023, following the already published announcement dated on 15.12.2023, established that the ten-day deadline for the submission of a request to convene a General Assembly with the purpose of deciding on the granting of a special permit for the Company to implement the Transaction with the company 'MOTOR OIL RENEWABLE ENERGY SOLE SHAREHOLDER S.A.', pursuant to paragraph 3 of article 100 of Law 4548/2018, as currently in force, lapsed without effect.
The abovementioned transaction is subject to the approval of the General Meeting of ELLAKTOR shareholders.
The Company will inform, in accordance with the applicable legislation, the investment community about the progress of the abovementioned transaction.
Wednesday, 10.01.2024
According to article 101 par.2 of Law 4548/2018