The Board of Directors of EYATH SA with the no 044/2024 decision approved the Company's financial calendar for the year 2024, as follows:
In the context of the obligations to inform the investment public, EYATH SA announces the Financial Calendar for the year 2024:
Announcement of Financial Results of year 2023: 05.04.2024
Analysts' Meeting on Company Results of year 2023: 05.04.2024
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: 16.05.2024
Cutoff date of the dividend: 01.07.2024 (*)
Dividend beneficiaries (record date): 02.07.2024 (*)
Dividend payment date: 08.07.2024 (*)
Dividend will be paid through a credit institution (bank) and clarifications for the payment procedure will be provided with separate announcement.
Announcement of Financial Results for the 6-month period 2024: 27.09.2024
(*) The aforementioned dates regarding dividend distribution are subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders.
The Company specifies that the results will be posted on the Athens Stock Exchange's website ( and on EYATH S.A. website ( after the end of trading on Athens Exchange.
The Company reserves the right to change the above dates, following relevant notification of the public by amending the present.