Announcement of the resolution of the Board of Directors of "AUTOHELLAS TOURIST AND TRADING SOCI?T? ANONYME" regarding the issuance of a Common Bond Loan

Announcement of the resolution of the Board of Directors of “AUTOHELLAS TOURIST AND TRADING SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME” regarding the issuance of a Common Bond Loan


AUTOHELLAS TOURIST AND TRADING SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME (the “Company”), in accordance with Regulation (EU) 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 and decision no 3/347/12.7.2005 of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, announces its intention, taking into account market conditions, to proceed with the issuance of a common bond loan, for a total capital amount of up to two hundred million Euros (200,000,000 Euros) and with a minimum issuance amount of one hundred and fifty million Euros (150,000,000 Euros), with a duration of five (5) years, in accordance with the provisions of articles 59-74 of Law 4548/2018, as in force, and any provisions of Law 3156/2003 that remain in force following the entry of Law 4548/2018 into force (the “Bond Loan”) and with the offering of the bonds of the Bond Loan (the “Bonds”) to investors in Greece by way of a public offering (the “Public Offering”) and with the admission of the Bonds to trading in the Fixed Income Securities Segment of the Regulated Market of the Athens Exchange. 

The Company will update investors, in accordance with applicable legislation, on any material development relating to the issuance of the Bond Loan by further announcements.


Athens, 08 January 2024

The Board of Directors

Announcement of the resolution of the Board of Directors of ?AUTOHELLAS TOURIST AND TRADING SOCI?T? ANONYME? regarding the issuance of a Common Bond Loan