Announcement for the increase and equal reduction of the share capital with increase and decrease of the nominal value of the share and return of capital with payment of cash to the shareholders

The Societe Anonyme with the name "PHILIPPOS NAKAS SA" and the distinctive title "NAKAS MUSIC" (hereinafter referred to as "Company"), informs the investors that the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders of December 6, 2023, decided:

(a) the increase of the share capital of the Company by the amount of €443.800, with capitalization of the reserve from the issuance of premium shares and increase of the nominal value of each share of the Company by 0,07 Euros, ie from 0,60 Euros at 0,67 Euros and

(b) the equivalent reduction of the share capital of the Company by the total amount of €443.800, with a reduction of the nominal value of each share of the Company by 0,07 Euros, i.e. from 0,67 Euros to 0,60 Euros, and the return - payment of the corresponding amount to the shareholders of the Company.

After the above equal increase and decrease, the share capital of the Company amounts to 3.804.000 Euros and it is divided into 6.340.000 common, registered shares, with a nominal value of 0.60 Euros each.

On 12.12.2023 it was registered in the General Commercial Register (G.E.M.I.) with the Registration Code (ΚΑΚ) 3934687, the decision of the Ministry of Development and Investment under ref. number 3169627ΑΠ/12-12-2023 (ΑΔΑ: 9ΤΞΝ46ΝΛΣΞ-ΦΕΞ) which approved the amendment of article 5 of the Company's Articles of Association.

The Committee of Corporate Transactions of the Athens Stock Exchange during the meeting of 22/12/2023 was informed about the equal increase and decrease of the share capital of the Company with a corresponding increase and decrease of the nominal value of all the shares of the Company and the return of capital by cash payment to the shareholders amounting to 0,07 Euros per share.

Following the above, from 11.01.2024 the shares of the Company will be traded on the Athens Stock Exchange with a final nominal value of 0,60 Euros per share and without the right to participate in the return of capital by paying cash to the shareholders amounting to 0.07 Euros per share.

From the same date, the starting price of the Company's shares on the Athens Stock Exchange will be adjusted in accordance with the ATHEX Regulations, in combination with no. 26 decision of the Board of Directors of ATHEX as applicable.

Beneficiaries of the return of capital are the shareholders who will be registered in the files of DSS. on 12.01.2024 (record date - date of identification of beneficiaries).

The starting date for the payment of the capital return (0,07 Euros per share) is set at 15.01.2023.

The return of the capital will be made through ALPHA BANK as follows:

1. Through the Participants of the beneficiaries in the DSS. (Banks and Stock Exchanges), in accordance with the applicable Regulations of ATHEXCSD and its relevant decisions.

2. Especially in the cases of payment of the return of capital to the heirs of beneficiaries, whose titles are kept in the Special Account of their Share in DSS, under the management of ATHEXCSD, the process of payment of the return of capital will be carried out after completion of the legalization of the heirs, through the branch network of ALPHA BANK.

In addition, the contact details of the paying Bank ALPHA BANK are the following: Department of Corporate Operations, 103 Athens Avenue, Athens 104 47, tel. 210 3436704, responsible Mrs. Evi Apistola.

For more information, the shareholders are kindly requested to contact the Company's Investors Relations Department at tel. 210-6686101.