Performance Technologies invites its shareholders to an Extraordinary General Meeting on January 31rst, 2024
Performance Technologies SA invites its shareholders to an Extraordinary General Meeting on Wednesday 31/1/2024 at 15:00:00.
The agenda items are as follows:
- Approval of the listing of all of the Company's common shares for trading on the Main Market of the Athens Stock Exchange, by the provisions of Law 3371/2005, and the deletion of the Company's shares from the Alternative Market of the Athens Stock Exchange to list them on the Main Market of the Athens Stock Exchange and under this condition.
- Amendment of the Company's articles of association to comply with the provisions of Law 4548/2018 for companies listed on a regulated market and, in general, the written provisions of stock exchange legislation.
- Approval of the revised Eligibility Policy of the members of the Board of Directors.
- Election of a new Board of Directors and its independent non-executive members, by Article 5 paragraph 2 of Law 4706/2020.
- Approval of the Remuneration Policy for the members of the Board of Directors.
- Definition of the type of the Company's Audit Committee, the term of office of its members, their number and attributes, and definition of its members who are third parties – non-members of the Board of Directors, by article 44 of Law 4449/2017.
- Extension of the program of free distribution of shares to members of the Board of Directors and the Company's staff, lasting up to 5 years, with the issuance of new shares from the capitalization of reserves amounting to €60,000, which had been approved by the regular General Meeting of shareholders on 09/09/2021.
- Establishment of a share purchase program. Determination of the range of the purchase price of the Company's own shares. Determination of a period for the implementation of this decision and authorization to the Board of Directors for its implementation.
- Update and discussion on other topics.