BoD member replacement
Board of Directors member replacement
KRI-KRI MILK INDUSTRY SA (thereafter the “Company”) according to the EU Regulation 596/2014 for market abuse (MAR), the 3/347/12.7.2005 Decision of HCMC and the ATHEX Rulebook, announces the following:
Replacement of Board of Directors member
On 15.01.2024, Mrs Georgia Kartsani, due to personal reasons, has resigned from her position as a non-executive member of the Board of Directors.
As per article 82, par. 1 of Law 4548/18 and article 23, par. 2 of the Company's statute, the Board of Directors on its 18.01.2024 meeting, has decided to elect Mrs Aikaterini Nendou, as a non-executive member, replacing Mrs Georgia Kartsani, up to the next General Meeting.
The election of the new member of the Board of Directors will be announced at the forthcoming General Meeting of shareholders which, in accordance with art. 82 par. 1 of Law 4548/18, will decide either to re-elect her or to appoint a new independent member.
It should be noted that the Board of Directors examined and unanimously decided that the new member of the Board of Directors, Mrs Aikaterini Nendou, meets the criteria of individual suitability and of collective suitability.
Therefore, the composition of the Board of Directors is now as follows:
1) Panagiotis Tsinavos, President & Managing Director, executive member,
2) Georgios Kotsampasis, Vice President, non-executive member,
3) Georgios Tsinavos, Deputy CEO, executive member,
4) Anastasios Moudios, independent non-executive member,
5) Anastasios Kyriakidis, independent non-executive member,
6) Aikaterini Nendou, non-executive member.