ALPHA TRUST Mutual Fund and Alternative Investment Fund Management S.A. (hereinafter the “Company”) informs the investors that the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, at its 1005th/12.12.2023 meeting, approved the Articles of Association of the company under formation “ALPHA TRUST Mutual Fund and Alternative Investment Fund Management Single Member S.A.", due to the demerger of the Company and the spin-off of the UCITS and AIF management business, which includes the additional services, licensed by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, as well as the taking up of this business by “ALPHA TRUST Mutual Fund and Alternative Investment Fund Management Single Member S.A.”, as universal successor.
The above will come into effect after the issuance of the Approval Decision of the Competent Body of the Ministry of Development and the completion of the aforementioned demerger of the Company and the taking up of the demerged business by “ALPHA TRUST Mutual Fund and Alternative Investment Fund Management Single Member S.A.”, as universal successor.
The Company will inform the investors of the issuance of the relevant approval decision by the competent authority, in accordance with the applicable legislation.
December 15th, 2023