Announcement of a share capital decline by reducing the nominal value of the share and returning capital to the shareholders and of an increase in the nominal value of the share by capitalization of existing reserves

Announcement of a share capital decline by reducing the nominal value of the share and returning capital to the shareholders and of an increase in the nominal value of the share by capitalization of existing reserves


The company UNIBIOS Holdings S.A. announces that the Ordinary General

Shareholder Assembly of 08.09.2023 decided to reduce the share capital of the company by the amount of €206,280,552 Euro.


The reduction of the share capital is carried out with a corresponding reduction of the nominal value of the share from 0.29 Euro to 0.278 Euro and a capital return with a cash payment to the shareholders of € 0.012 per share. Subsequently, and during the same Assembly, it was decided to increase the Share Capital by capitalizing reserves by the amount of €378,181,012 by increasing the nominal value of existing shares from twenty-seven cents and eight thousandths of euros (€0.278) to thirty euro cents (€0.30) each.


After the above changes, the share capital of the company amounts to €5,157,013.80 and is divided into 17,190,046 shares, with a nominal value of thirty euro cents (€ 0.30) each, all common registered voting shares.


The Ministry of Development with its decision with Registration Number 3142572/23.11.2023 approved the amendment of the relevant article of the company's Articles of Association. The Corporate Actions Committee of the Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) at its meeting on 30.11.2023 was informed about the change in the nominal value of the company's shares and about the return of capital by cash payment to shareholders of € 0.012 per share.


Following the above, as of 04.12.2023 the company's shares will be traded on the ATHEX with the new final nominal value, 0.30 Euro per share  and without the right to participate in the capital return with cash payment to shareholders of € 0.012 per share. From the same date, the starting price of the company's shares on the ATHEX will be determined in accordance with the Athens Exchange Regulations in conjunction with the decision no. 26 of the Board of Directors of the ATHEX as in force.


Beneficiaries of the capital return are the shareholders who will be registered in the Dematerialized Securities System records of the Central Security Depository on 05.12.2023, i.e. the day following the ex-dividend date of the right to receive capital for the listed company.

The starting date for the payment of the capital return is 8.12.2023


The cash payment for the amount of the capital return will be made on 8.12.2023 by the company HELLENIC CENTRAL SECURITIES DEPOSITORY (ATHEXCSD), through the Participants of the securities accounts in the Dematerialized Securities System as follows:


(1)    Through the Participants of the beneficiaries of the DSS (Banks and Brokerage Firms), in accordance with the applicable Rules of Operation of ATHEXCSD and its relevant decisions.

(2)    Especially in cases of dividend payment to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose securities are held in the Special Account of their Share in the DSS, under the management of ATHEX



For more information, shareholders may contact the Shareholder Services Department of the company (tel. 210-.6037030, Mr. Antonios Svoronos).


FYLI, 30.11.2023