Announcement of election of a new non-executive member of the Board of Directors to replace a resigned one and formation of the Board of Directors into body
The company “LOULIS FOOD INGREDIENTS S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) announces to the investment community that, following the resignation of Mr. Gianluca Fabbri, non-executive member of the Board of Directors, was elected by the Board of Directors of the "Company", at its meeting of 8/1/2024, following a positive recommendation by the Company's Remuneration and Nominations Committee, Mr. Arnoud van den Berg, new non-executive member for the remainder of the term of the Board of Directors, i.e. until 22/6/2026. Τhe Company's Board of Directors examined and verified, during its meeting of 8/1/2024, that Mr. Arnoud van den Berg meets the suitability criteria, in accordance with article 3 of Law 4706/2020 and the Suitability Policy for members of the Board of Directors of the Company.
The new 7-member Board of Directors of the Company was formed into body, according to its decision of 8/1/2024, as follows:
1. Nikolaos Loulis son of Konstantinos, Chairman-Executive member
2. Elisavet Kapelanou-Alexandri, daughter of Spyros, Vice Chairman - Independent non-executive member
3. Nikolaos Fotopoulos, son of Sryridon, Chief Executive Officer – Executive member
4. Spyridon Theodoropoulos, son of Ioannis, Non-Executive member
5. Arnoud van den Berg, son of Johannes Cornelis, Non-executive member
6. Konstantinos Macheras, son of Dimitrios, Independent non-executive member
7. Georgios Taniskidis, son of Ioannis, Independent non-executive member
According to article 82 par. 1 of Law 4548/2018, the present decision of the election of Mr. Arnoud van den Berg as a non-executive member of the Board of Directors. is submitted to the public and announced by the Board of Directors at the next General Assembly, which may replace the elected person, even if no relevant item has been listed on the agenda.