2022 financial results - €8.2 million net after tax profits
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Press Release
27 March 2023 - 2022 financial results
€8.2m net after tax profits
Revenue from trading and post-trading services: €20.9m, up 6.3% compared to 2021
Revenue from listing and services to issuers: €5.0m, up 21.3%
Revenue from data services: €3.6m, up 4.0%
In 2022 the Group continued to implement its strategy, which is based on 5 main pillars: a) increase trading activity; b) increase revenue from existing services and explore new ones; c) optimize servicing its international customers; d) improve the operational model of the Group; and e) digital innovation.
Comment on the results
Turnover in fiscal year 2022 for the Athens Exchange Group was €37.85 million compared to €36.13m in fiscal year 2021, up 4.8%. 55% of the turnover of the Group is from fees on trading and post-trading services (mainly clearing and settlement) of trades on the Athens Exchange; 13% concerns listing and other services to listed companies, while 32% comes from data services, technology services which include digital services, infrastructure and technology solutions to other organized markets in Greece and abroad, as well as other ancillary services.
Total operating expenses in 2022 were €23.98m compared to €21.71m in 2021, increased by 10.5%, mainly due to the increase in salary and electricity costs.
As a result of the above, the Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) in 2022 were €12.48m compared to €13.08m in 2021, reduced by 4.6%.
The consolidated Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) in 2022 amounted to €8.73m vs. €8.59m in 2021, increased by 1.6%.
The consolidated net after tax earnings of the Group in 2022 amounted to €8.21m, at the same level as in 2021.
Based on the guideline for the Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the adjusted earnings per share were €0.142 compared to €0.130 in 2021.
Dividend proposal
At its meeting today, the Board of Directors approved the Annual Financial Report for 2022, and decided to propose to the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of shareholders, the distribution of €0.15 per share as dividend, the same as for fiscal year 2021.
The record date and payment date of the dividend have been announced on 30.12.2022 as part of the published financial calendar.
The financial statements of the Group and the Company are posted on the Company's website (www.athexgroup.gr).
Progress on strategic goals
In 2022, two new listings were made in the construction and property management sector, a sector that is expected to continue its dynamic growth in the coming years. At the same time, we saw significant equity increases by listed companies, as well as further growth in the bond market with 4 new listings, from both listed and non-listed companies.
Regarding international collaborations, in 2022 the Group successfully completed the cooperation project with the Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE), which resulted in CSE's compliance with the Settlement Discipline Regulation as of 1 February 2022 and the creation of an infrastructure for compliance with the CSDR regulation. The Group also signed an agreement with the Romanian Commodity Exchange (BRM) to provide post-trade services on Romanian Natural Gas Futures Contracts (FTCs) traded on the BRM.
In addition, in 2022, the Group organized or participated in important events co-organized with other market participants in order to promote the Greek capital market.
In this context, in November, it joined forces for the first time with Morgan Stanley to organize the Greek Investment Conference held at the Morgan Stanley Conference Centre in London, where 28 listed companies held meetings with leading foreign institutional investors, while in December it participated in the 24th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum, organized in New York by Capital Link in cooperation with the Athens Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. Titled "Sustaining Growth & Investment Momentum", the forum focused on the investment opportunities emerging in Greece and the country's improved image as an investment and business destination.
Finally, in 2022, the Group completed a series of projects aimed at upgrading and improving the services it offers. In November, it a new version of its trading system went into production, while the Group was the first in Greece to complete the certification of automatic signature provision for digital identification services.
Sustainable development
Concerning ESG [Environment, Social, Corporate Governance], in 2022 the Group created the special information section ATHEX BONDS GREENet on its website, where bonds traded on his markets (Main Market, EN.A) which when issued indicated that, following internationally defined standards (ICMA, CBI Certification, etc. ), intend to either use the funds raised to finance Green, Social or a combination of Green and Social Projects, or that their returns are linked to a sustainability clause.
In addition, in order to respond to the constantly increasing market demands as well as regulatory obligations, the Athens Stock Exchange published the revised edition of the ESG Reporting Guide, updating its content and indicators according to the newly published or amended standards and regulations (SFDR, Taxonomy, GRI Standards 2021, TCFD, Hellenic Corporate Governance Code 2021 etc.).
Lastly, in 2022 the Group was certified with the SHARE Equality Label, which reflects the practical promotion of practices and initiatives by businesses towards gender equality. As part of its commitment, through the published Equality Plan, the Athens Exchange Group will continue to implement actions that improve gender equality and the Work-Life balance of its employees. The Group is among the first 18 companies in Greece to be certified with the Label.