Decisions of the 21.06.2023 Ordinary General Meeting
It is announced that during the Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of the company that met on 21 June 2023, at Likovriseos 7, Metamorfosi, at 12:00 pm, shareholders were present or represented, holders of 83.994.373shares in a total of 114,320,400 shares, corresponding to a percentage of 73,47 % of the share capital. The decisions taken unanimously and by general vote are as follows:
- Submission and approval of the annual Financial Statements for the financial year 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022, in accordance with the International Accounting Standards, as well as the relevant reports of the Board of Directors and the Certified Auditor - Accountant.. (in favor 100% of those present – against 0%).
- Approval for non-distribution of dividend to shareholders for the financial year 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022. (in favor 100% of those present – against 0%).
- Approval of the overall management of the Company, according to article 108 of Law 4548/2018, as in force, and exemption of the Company's Certified Auditors from any liability for compensation for the financial year 01.01.2022-31.12.2022, according to article 117, par. 1(c) of Law 4548.2018, as in force. (in favor 100% of those present – against 0%).
- Election of a regular and a deputy Certified Auditor - Accountant for the audit of the Financial Statements of the financial year 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022.(in favor 100% of those present – against 0%).
- Permission to the members of the Board of Directors, according to article 98 of Law 4548/2018, to participate in Boards of Directors and managing boards of other companies with competitive or non-competitive purposes to those of the Company.( in favor 100% of those present – against 0%).
- Discussion and voting on the Remuneration Report of article 112 of Law 4548/2018 (for the paid fees for the financial year 01.01.2022– 31.12.2022).(in favor 100% of those present – against 0,0%).
- Pre-approval of remuneration and compensations of the Board of Directors for the financial year 01.01.2022–31.12.2022. (in favor 100% of those present – against 0,0%).
- Submission of a common report of the Independent non-executive members of the Board of Directors and information on the facts of 2022, in accordance with article 9 par. 5 of Law 4706/2020 (issue which is not put to a vote).
- Information from the Chairman of the Audit Committee to the shareholders about the activities of the Audit Committee during the financial year 2022 and submission of the annual report of the Audit Committee's activities, according to article 44 par. 1(i) of Law 4449/2017. (issue which is not put to a vote).
10. Other Announcements.