Responding to the Hellenic Capital Market Commission's letter - Bond loan issuance

KRI-KRI S.A. (hereinafter the "Company"), responding to the as of 956/4-4-2023 letter of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, informs the public of the following:

Yesterday, 3.4.2023, the Company issued a common bond loan of total amount €4.200.000, according to the Board of Directors decision as of 3.4.2023. In particular, the bond was covered by the major shareholders Mr. Panagiotis Tsinavos, President and CEO, and Mrs. Charikleia Tsinavou. As this was a transaction with related parties, the Company followed the necessary approval procedure provided for in articles 99 - 101 of Law 4548/2018, which also requires a fairness opinion report, signed by a certified public accountant.

The bond loan is of 3 years maturity, unsecured and bears 4% fixed interest rate. The proceeds are to finance company's investment plans for increasing production capacity.