Athens, 06 December 2022





AUTOHELLAS TOURIST AND COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME (hereinafter “AUTOHELLAS” or “the Company”), following the announcement dated 03.11.2022, regarding the increase and equal decrease of share capital and the cash return of the corresponding amount to the shareholders of the Company, announces the end of the 40-days deadline since the publication of the relevant decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders.

During the 40-days interval, the Company's creditors did not raise any objections against the product of the cash return. As of 05.12.2022, the Company's shares trade on Athens Stock Exchange with a nominal value of Euro 0.08 per share and without the right to participate in the return of the capital by cash payment to the shareholders. Additionally, as of 05.12.2022, the starting price of the Company's shares was adjusted in accordance with the Regulations of the Athens Stock Exchange according to no. 26 decision of the Board of Directors of the Athens Stock Exchange as applicable, which is in effect following the cash return to the shareholders due to the aforementioned increase and equal reduction of each share's nominal value.

Beneficiaries of the return of capital (Euro 1.00 per share – net) are the shareholders who will be registered in the records of DSS on 06.12.2022. Additional information regarding how the final net amount of the cash return per share - after the increase with the amount related to treasury shares - is calculated are included in the Company's announcement dated 03.11.2022, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The cash payment for the capital return amount will begin from 09.12.2022, and will be made through ALPHA BANK as follows:  

(a) Through the participants of the beneficiaries in the DSS (Banks and Brokerage Firms), in accordance with the provisions of the Operating Regulations of ATHEXCSD and its relevant decisions.

(b) Especially in the cases of capital return to the heirs of deceased beneficiaries, whose securities are held in the Special Account of their Share in the DSS, under the management of ATHEXCSD, the process of capital refund payment will be carried out after the completion of the legalization of the heirs through the branch network of “ALPHA BANK”.

For more information, shareholders are kindly requested to contact the Company's Investors Relations Department tel. 210 626 4256.