Jumbo S.A. (the Company) announces to its shareholders that according to article of the Athens Exchange Regulation, the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's shareholders held on 08.03.2023 decided upon the extraordinary cash distribution of EUR 1,1550 per share (gross amount), before withholding dividend tax, i.e. a total amount of EUR 157.149.021,65, which is part of the extraordinary reserves from taxed and non-distributed profits of the fiscal years 01.07.2008 -30.06.2009, 01.07.2009-30.06.2010,01.07.2010 -30.06.2011 and 01.07.2011 -30.06.2012. After withholding a dividend tax of 5%, where necessary, the remaining extraordinary cash distribution amounts to EUR 1,09725 per share.
The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's shareholders held on 08.03.2023, resolved that beneficiaries of the extraordinary cash distribution of an amount of EUR 1,1550 per share (gross) are the Company's shareholders registered with the records of the DSS on Wednesday 22.03.2023 (the record date).
As of Tuesday 21.03.2023, the shares of the Company will be traded on the Athens Exchange without the right of the above extraordinary cash distribution (the cut-off date). The payment of the extraordinary cash distribution to entitled shareholders shall begin on Monday 27.03.2023, through the paying credit institution Eurobank S.A. (the Paying Bank), as follows:
1. Through the Participants of the beneficiaries in the DSS (Banks and Stock exchange Companies) in accordance with the applicable rules of operation of ATHEXCSD (Greek Central Securities Depository SA) and their relevant decisions.
2. Especially in the case of payment to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose securities are held in the Special Account of their Share in the DSS, under the supervision of ATHEXCSD, the process of payment will be carried out after the completion of the legalisation of the heirs, through the network of branches of the Paying Bank.
After three (3) months from the payment commencement date, i.e. as of Wednesday 28.06.2023, payment of the extraordinary cash distribution will be made only at the Company's headquarters at Moschato, Attica (9, Cyprus Street and Ydras).
For further information, shareholders may contact the shareholder information department during business days and hours (Head of the Department Mrs Amalia Karamitsoli, tel. +30 210 4805267).
Additionally, the contact details of the Paying Bank are the following: Domestic Markets Custody Operations Division, Corporate Actions Department, 8 Iolkou Street and Filikis Etairias, P.C. 14234 Nea Ionia, Attica, tel. +30 210 3522085 and +30 210 3522284.
It is clarified that the right to collect extraordinary cash distribution disperses if not collected within a period of five (5) years from the end of the year that the corresponding right was born (article 250 of the Greek Civil Code, item 15) and that following such term, any relevant amount shall be reimbursed to the Hellenic Republic according to article 1 of legal decree 1195/1942.

Athens, 08.03.2023