Announcement for the Resumption of the Share Purchase Program

Unibios Holdings SA (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") announces that as of Friday, March 24, 2023, it restarts the Share Purchase Program that was temporarily suspended in order to dispose of the accrued own shares through a private placement. After the disposal of the own shares was completed, the company decided to restart the purchases of own shares under the terms and conditions set by the Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders of 09.09.2022.

The Ordinary General Meeting of 09.09.2022 had decided to allow the purchase of own shares up to 10% of the then existing shares (1,562,731, deducting of course those own shares already held by the company) and with price limits from € 0.01 to € 1.93.  The duration of the program should be from 01.01.2023 until 31.12.2024. The acquired shares may be used for any lawful purpose.