ANNOUNCEMENT - Reply to No. 2469/9-10-2023 letter from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission
With regard to the letter of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission "Quest Holdings S.A." with its registered office in the Municipality of Kallithea, Argyroupoleos 2A and no. G.E.MI. 121763701000 (the "Company") makes the following announcement regarding recent publications in the electronic press and in particular with regardto the following publication referred to in the above letter from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission:
"The tender for the sale of the «Kotsovolos» chain of electrical goods is entering the final phase. Last Friday, according to information from «mononews», the Quest group and … submitted binding offers..."
"...a potential acquisition could contribute to the development of significant synergies between the group's wholesale activities and the retail network that «Kotsovolos» has...".
In accordance with the provisions of article 2 of decision 5/204/2000 of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, par. 1 of article 17 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and par. 7 of art. 27 of Law 4443/2016, with regard to the above publication, the Company refers to its previous announcements dated 4-8-2023 and 7-8-2023 in response to relevant publications and repeats - as it had mentioned in the above replies/announcements - that it participates in the «Kotsovolos» process, which is at the stage of the submission of final offers. The Company submitted a final offer, however, given that the process is ongoing, it is not yet certain that the process will lead to a final agreement with the Company.
The Company will, in accordance with the law, make without any delay the required announcements to inform the investors and the public, if and when any binding agreement is concluded.