Temporary Suspension of the Share Purchase Program for the Purpose of Disposing of the Existing Ones through a Private Placement

The Management of the Company "UNIBIOS HOLDINGS SOCIETE ANONYME" (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), in accordance with the applicable legislation for the correct, valid and timely information of the investment public, announces that it intends to sell up to 150,000 own shares it holds, which correspond to 0.96% of its paid-up share capital.


The sale of the above own shares will take place through a private placement.


 In the meantime and until the completion of the above transaction, it announces that it suspends temporarily the program for the repurchase of its own shares (according to the decision of the annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company held on 09.09.2022).


 It is noted that the Company holds 150,000 own shares corresponding to 0.96% of its paid-up share capital.