Issuance of Common Bond Loan of total nominal value of 12.913.202 Euro

The Management of the Anonymous Company under the trade name "FLEXOPACK SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLASTICS COMPANY” and the distinctive title "FLEXOPACK S.A." (hereinafter the "Company"), following the resolution of its Board of Directors dated 21.11.2022, announces that on November 24, 2022, a Common Bond Loan Coverage Agreement was signed, pursuant to the provisions of Law 4548/2018 and Law 3156/2003, as in force, with total nominal value of twelve million nine hundred thirteen thousand two hundred two Euros (12.913.202), which loan was fully covered on November 29, 2022 as follows:

 (a) on the one hand, with funds from the Recovery and Resilience Facility at the amount of eight million seventy thousand seven hundred and fifty one Euros (8.070.751), and

(b) on the other hand, from "Eurobank S.A." at the amount of four million eight hundred forty-two thousand four hundred fifty-one Euros (4.842.451).  

"Eurobank S.A." has been appointed as Payment Agent and Representative of the Bond holders. 

 The amount of the aforementioned Common Bond Loan will be used by the Company to cover its needs, as the implementing entity of the eligible Investment Plan amounting to sixteen million one hundred forty-one thousand five hundred three euros (16.141.503), which falls under the Eligible Action "Extroversion" and refers to the capacity increase of the existing production unit of flexible plastic materials (films), located in Koropi, Attica (Tzima location).   

 Koropi, 29 Νovember 2022