IDEAL HOLDINGS S.A. (the "Company") announces in accordance with the provisions of articles 9, 10, 14, and 21 of Law 3556/2007, that consequently to the issuance of 5,864,662 new, common, nominal, voting shares of the Company on 26.09.2022, which resulted from the increase of its share capital by contribution in kind, that took place in the context of the Voluntary Tender Offer of the Company addressed to the shareholders of the company "BYTE COMPUTER S.A." and following Company's announcement pursuant to paragraph 5 of article 9 of Law 3556/2007 on 26.09.2022, regarding the amount of the share capital and the total number of shares and voting rights, the Company received the following notifications:

1. Mr. Vassilios Katsos and Ms. Eleni Katsou as the ultimate joint shareholders of VNK CAPITAL LTD and VNK CAPITAL LTD as the controlling company and holder of all the shares of VNK FUND AIFLNP V.C.I.C, which is the direct holder of the Company's shares, notified the Company on 28.09.2022 and 27.09.2022 respectively, on behalf of themselves and VNK FUND AIFLNP V.C.I.C., that as a consequent to the abovementioned corporate act, their percentage of the total shares and voting rights of the Company has fallen below 5%.

2. Mr. Stylianos Vytogiannis notified the Company on 28.09.2022, that as a result of the abovementioned corporate act his percentage of the total shares and voting rights of the Company decreased from 27,50% to 23,18%.

3. Truad Verwaltungs AG in its capacity as manager of a foreign private discretionary trust that controls Thrush Investment Holdings Ltd, notified the Company on 28.09.2022 that as a result of the abovementioned corporate act, the participation of Thrush Investment Holdings Ltd in the share capital and voting rights of the Company decreased from 16.94% to 14.28%.