Performance and Results of the First Semester of 2022
The financial performance and results for both the Company and the Group during the First Semester of 2022, compared to the respective period of the previous year (First Semester of 2021) are summarized below:
a) Consolidated Group turnover amounted to 74,908 mil. Euros, as compared to 49,981 mil. Euros posting a percentage increase of 49,87% and Companys turnover to 61,003 mil. Euros as compared to 43,896 mil. Euros, posting a percentage increase of 38,97%.
b) Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) amounted at Group level to 14,995 mil. Euros as compared to 8,465 mil. Euros, increased by 77,14% and at Companys level to 11,454 mil. Euros as compared to 7,725 mil. Euros, posting an increase of 48,27%.
c) Earnings before taxes (EBT) amounted for the Group to 10,669 mil. Euros, as compared to 5,381 mil. Euros increased by 98,27% and for the Company to 7,606 mil. Euros as compared to 5,210 mil. Euros, increased by 45,99%.
d) Earnings After Taxes (EAT) amounted for the Group to 7,837 mil. Euros as compared to 4,322 mil. Euros increased by 81,33% and for the Company to 5,975 mil. Euros as compared to 4,236 mil. Euros, increased by 41,05%.