Announcement of the election of new executive member of the Board of Directors in replacement of resigned member and new BoDs composition


Announcement of the election of new executive member of the Board of Directors in replacement of resigned member and new BoDs composition

The Board of Directors, following its decision of 24 November 2023, announces the election of Mr. Konstantinos Deligiannis as new Executive member of the Board of Directors in replacement of resigned, by virtue of the letter of resignation dated 23 May 2023, member. Mr. Deligiannis curriculum vitae is available on the Company's website

Following the aforementioned election, the Board of Directors decided on its composition as follows:

 1. Mrs. Emmanouela Vassilakis daughter of Georgios, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, Executive Member,

2.  Mr. Marinos Yannopoulos, son of Stamatios, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Independent non-Executive Member.

3.  Mr. Eftichios Vassilakis, son of Theodoros, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Member,

4.  Mr. Georgios Vassilakis, son of Theodoros, Executive Member,

5.  Mr. Konstantinos Deligiannis, son of Evangelos, Executive Member,

6.  Mrs. Garyfalia Pelekanou, daughter of Angelos, non-Executive Member,

7.  Mr. Konstantinos Sfakakis, son of Emmanouil, Independent non-Executive Member,

8.  Mr. Nikolaos Goulis, son of Michael, Independent non-Executive Member,

9.  Mrs. Polyxeni Kazoli, daughter of Nikolaos, Independent non-Executive Member,

10. Mr. Philippe Marinos Costeletos, son of Marinos, non- Executive Member.


The term of office of the Board of Directors is five years, until 31.3.2026 and it is extended until the expiration of the deadline, within which the next Annual General Meeting must adjourn, and the relevant decision is taken.