Special permission of the Board for the provision of a guarantee in favor of the related company ALPHA SATELLITE TELEVISION S.A. pursuant to the articles 99-101 of the Law 4548/2018
MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. hereby announces that its Board in its meeting dated June 15th, 2023 granted special permission for the provision of a guarantee up to the amount of EUR 9.8 million in favor of the related company ALPHA SATELLITE TELEVISION S.A. for the coverage of an equivalent amount of the latter's lease payment liabilities up to EUR 35 million.
The ALPHA SATELLITE TELEVISION S.A. lease payment liabilities mentioned above will be the result of the related company entering into a 15-year tenor property sale and lease back agreement scheduled to be signed with PIRAEUS LEASING SINGLE MEMBER S.A.
The MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. guarantee up to the amount of EUR 9.8 million will be provided to PIRAEUS LEASING SINGLE MEMBER S.A.
MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. is the parent company of MEDIAMAX HOLDINGS LIMITED which participates in the share capital of ALPHA SATELLITE TELEVISION S.A. with an aggregate 50% stake that is 24.99% directly and 25.01% indirectly, through NEVINE HOLDINGS LIMITED. Hence, MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. and ALPHA SATELLITE TELEVISION S.A. are related parties pursuant to the articles 99-101 of the Law 4548/2018.
The Board of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. having taken into consideration the fairness opinion report conducted by Quality Audit Services Certified Public Accountants Ltd dated June 13th, 2023, deemed the provision of the guarantee in question to be fair and reasonable, to the best interests of the related company and of the MOTOR OIL Group and not expected to impair the interests of the guarantor, of the minority shareholders and of the non-related parties.
The report of Quality Audit Services Certified Public Accountants Ltd is available on the Company website www.moh.gr at the particular option:
Investor Relations / Regulatory Information / Regulatory Announcements / 2023.
According to the Law 4548/2018 the special permission of the Board of MOTOR OIL (HELLAS) CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. for the provision of the guarantee in favor of ALPHA SATELLITE TELEVISION S.A. is valid for six (6) months.
The present announcement is issued in accordance with the paragraph 3 of the Article 100 of the Law 4548/2018.
Maroussi, 22 June 2023
The Board of Directors