Disposal of own shares
KRIKRI Milk Industry S.A., with Reg. No 113772252000, (thereof: “the Company”) announces that during the period between 27/3/2023-7/6/2023, 41,187 own ordinary shares (treasury shares) were awarded to 37 members of the staff, in the context of executing the 1st round of the Company's as of 5/7/2022 Stock Awards Program.
These own shares were purchased during the period between 28/1/2022-9/12/2022 at an average price of €6.0046 per share, according to the resolutions of its Shareholders' Meetings dated 7/7/2020 and 5/7/2022.
After the above disposal, KRIKRI SA holds a total of 48,961 own shares, that is 0.148% of the total number of shares issued.