Information regarding Bondholders Meeting of the CBL 2019


(hereinafter, the “Company”)

Information regarding Bondholders Meeting of the common bond loan of an amount of €150,000,000 of the Company (hereinafter, the “CBL Program”)

The Company announces that today, 22th November 2022, the Meeting of the Bondholders of the bond loan issued pursuant to the Common Bond Loan Program of 10.10.2019 of an amount up to €150.000.000 and Agreement on Appointment of the Bondholder Agent, (the “CBL Program”), which had been convened at the offices of the Bondholders' Agent, Hellenic Central Securities Depository S.A, located at 110, Athinon Avenue, 104 42 Athens, and the Bondholders were allowed to participate in real-time via videoconference, in accordance with the provision of Article 125 par. 1 of Law 4548/2018, the quorum required for decision-making on the agenda item was not achieved, as the bondholders representing 26.43% of the total outstanding principal amount of the CBL Program were present at the Meeting.

Pursuant to the provisions of the CBL Program and the Invitation to a Meeting of the Bondholders of the CBL Program dated 11.11.2022, the Bondholders' Meeting will be repeated on Friday, 25 November 2022, at 13:00 as described in detail in the Invitation dated 11.11.2022.

It is reminded that the right to participate and vote in the repetive Bondholders' Meeting of 25 November 2022 is held by those who appear as bondholders in the records of the Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) managed by the company "Hellenic Central Securities Depository SA" (ATHEXCSD) or those identified as such through registered intermediaries or other intermediaries, subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation, at the beginning of the fifth business day prior to the day of the meeting of the initial Bondholders' Meeting, i.e. 17.11.2022 (Record Date), without the need to restrict their Bonds.

Athens, 22 November 2022