EYATH SA within the framework of the relevant information of the investing public and its shareholders, in accordance with Law 3556/2007 and article of the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation, announces the following:
The Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of EYATH S.A., held on September 8st, 2022, decided, inter alia, to distribute a dividend of euro 0.2186 per share and after the withholding tax of 5%, according to L. 4646/2019 (article 24, par. 1) and circular Ε.2012/2020 of Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR), amount to euro 0.20767 per share.
The cut-off date was set at at September 14th, 2022. From that date, the Company's shares will be traded on the Athens Exchange without the right to receive a dividend.
The beneficiaries of the dividend are the shareholders registered in the records of the Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) on September 15th, 2022 (record date).
The payment of the dividend shall commence on September 21th, 2022, by the paying bank Eurobank as follows:
1. Through the Participants of the beneficiaries in the S.A.T. (Banks and Brokerage Companies) in accordance with the applicable rules of operation of ATHEXCSD (Greek Central Securities Depository SA) and their relevant decisions.
2. Especially in the case of payment of a dividend to heirs of deceased beneficiaries whose securities are held in the Special Account of their Share in the S.A.T., under the supervision of ATHEXCSD, the process of payment of the dividend will be carried out after the completion of the legalisation of the heirs, through the network of branches of Eurobank S.A. Bank.
In the case of foreign dividend beneficiaries (natural persons or legal entities) who are residents in signatory countries, the tax deducted varies according to the provisions of the respective agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and in any case cannot exceed 5%.
Dividends for the year 2021 that will not be collected until December 31st, 2027, are forfeited in favor of the Greek State.
It should be noted that EYATH S.A. does not possess own shares.
For further information, the Shareholders may contact the Company's Shareholder & Corporate Announcement Office, tel. +30 2310 966720, email .
Additionally, in the Sub-address of Domestic Markets Custody Operations, Corporate Actions Department, Eurobank Bank, Iolkou 8 and Filikis Etaireias, PO 14234, N. Ionia, telephone numbers +30 210 3522085 and +30 210 3522284.