Extraordinary General Meeting to approve Share Capital Return

Autohellas: Extraordinary General Meeting on October 14th 2022, to approve the Share Capital Return of 1 euro per share



The Board of Autohellas is calling an Extraordinary General Meeting on October 14th 2022. Purpose of the meeting is the approval for Share Capital Return of 1 euro per share, net.


Capitalization of Reserves (from Dividends of subsidiaries and holdings of Autohellas) and part of Retained Earnings, amounting to Euro 48,624,764, is required.

An equivalent reduction of Share Capital, through distribution of net amount 1 euro per share to shareholders, will follow.

More details are available in Draft Decisions uploaded in website of the Company


Autohellas intends to complete process by the end of year, subject to receiving the necessary approvals.  

Extraordinary General Meeting to approve Share Capital Return