KRI-KRI MILK INDUSTRY S.A. (“KRI-KRI” or the “Company”) hereby announces, in accordance with par. of ATHEX Exchange Rulebook, that the Company's Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of July 5th, 2022, approved the distribution of dividend of fiscal year 2021 of gross amount €0.200 per share. The gross dividend amount that will be finally paid out stands at €0.2000791902 per share, increased by the dividend corresponding to 13,087 Company's own shares (treasury shares) that will be held by the Company on August 18th, 2022 (ex-dividend date).

The dividend is subject to withholding tax 5%, according to art. 64 of Law 4172/2013, (with the exception or differentiation of such withholding for shareholders falling under special provisions), and therefore shareholders will receive net payable dividend €0.1900752307 per share.

Beneficiaries of the dividend are the shareholders registered in Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) records on Friday, August 19th, 2022 (record date). The ex-dividend date is Thursday, August 18th, 2022.

The payment of the dividend will commence on Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 by “PIRAEUS BANK” as follows:

  1. Through the operators of the beneficiaries in the DSS (Banks and Brokerage Firms), in accordance with the Rulebook of the Hellenic Securities Depository.
  2. In cases of dividend payment to heirs of deceased beneficiaries, whose securities are kept in the Special Account of their Shareholding Account in the DSS under the ATHEXCSD management, dividend payment process will be carried out after the completion of the legalization of heirs, through the paying bank's retail network.

The right to receive the dividend disperses if not collected, after a period of five (5) years from the end of the year that the corresponding right was established. Following such term, any relevant amount shall be remitted to the Hellenic Republic.

For any further information, Shareholders may contact the Investors Relations Department. (tel: +30 2321068300, email: ).