Replacement of Members of Management
ThPA S.A. ("Company") after the meeting of the Board of Directors (BoD) of 15.7.2022, announces that, Mr. Athanasios Liagkos assumes the positions of Chairman and Managing Director and Mr. Georgios Karamanolakis assumes the position of Chief Financial Officer.
The Executive Chairman, Mr. Athanasios Liagkos assumes all the duties of the outgoing Managing Director-Chief Executive Officer Mr. Franco N. Cupolo as of today, 15.07.2022.
The appointment of Mr. Georgios Karamanolakis as Chief Financial Officer as of 30.07.2022 to replace Mr. Henrik M. Jepsen, who will leave on 29.7.2022, also covers all the duties of the outgoing executive. The new Chief Financial Officer has many years of international experience in the energy and technology sectors, among others, and is expected to contribute significantly to the continuation of the development of ThPA S.A.
Accordingly, the composition of the new Board of Directors of ThPA S.A. is as follows:
Athanasios Liagkos
Chairman and Managing Director, executive member
Laurent Martens
Vice Chairman of the BoD, non-executive member
Artur Davidian
Chief Investment Officer, executive member
Fu Baiqiao (Leon)
Non-executive member
Charalampis Karamaneas
Non-executive member
Panagiotis Michalopoulos
Independent, non-executive member
Angeliki Samara
Independent, non-executive member
Eirini Chadiari
Independent, non-executive member
It is noted that there is no change in the Committees of the Board of Directors of ThPA S.A.