Common Bond Loan Issuance Announcement for investment plan implementation




SPACE HELLAS, makes the announcement of the issuance of a common bond loan of a total nominal value (capital) of nine million six hundred thousand euros (EUR 9,600,000), according to the provisions of LAW 4548/2018 (articles 59 up to 74) and of LAW 3156/2013 (article 14), as in force, for the finance of selected costs of an investment plan within the frame of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The issuer is SPACE HELLAS and the bondholders are: a) the Hellenic State (bondholder A) with a percentage of 62,5% and b) "ALPHA BANK S.A." (bondholder Β) with a percentage of 37,5%. The administrator for payments and the representative of the bondholders is "ALPHA BANK S.A.".  The said loan will be used by the issuer for the implementation of its investment plan as regards its digital transformation with modern technologies and guided by its needs, in the implementation of which (digital transformation) will be also effected an upgrade in the infrastructure and network, security upgrade and applications upgrade. The said investment plan has been definitely selected as eligible to receive the funding through the RRF. The duration of the said loan is ten (10) years.