Athens, 10 November 2022


Second (2nd) Interest Payment Period of the Common Bond Loan



 ELVALHALCOR HELLENIC COPPER AND ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY S.A. (hereinafter the “Company”) announces that according to the terms of the Common Bond Loan of 16/11/2021 issued by the Company (hereinafter the “Bond Loan”), the date of determination (Record Date) of the beneficiaries of interest of the Bond Loan for the 2nd interest period, i.e. from 16/05/2022 to 16/11/2022, is Tuesday November 15th, 2022.

As of Monday November 14th, 2022 (ex-coupon date) the bonds of the Company will be traded on the Athens Exchange without the right to receive the second (2nd) coupon.

The gross interest amount for the second (2nd) Interest Period amounts to EUR 3,130,555.56, i.e. EUR 12.522222 per bond, of a nominal value of EUR 1,000, which has been calculated at an annual interest rate of 2.45% (before tax), on a 360-day year and actual number of days ACT/360) basis and corresponds to 250,000 bonds currently traded on the regulated market of the Athens Stock Exchange.

The payment of the interest amounts due to the bondholders (hereinafter the “Bondholders”) will take place though “HELLENIC CENTRAL SECURITIES DEPOSITARY S.A.” (ATHEXCSD) on Wednesday November 16th, 2022, as follows:

  1. Through the Operators of the Bondholders in the Dematerialized Security System – D.S.S. (Banks and Investment firms) for the Bondholders who have authorized their Operators for the collection of interest amounts due, as provided in the D.S.S.'s Rulebook and ATHEXCSD's relevant resolutions.
  2. Especially in the cases of interest payments to heirs of deceased Bondholders whose titles are kept in the Special Account of their Share in the D.S.S., under the operation of ATHEXCSD, the payment of the interest due to the legal heirs will be made a) through ATHEXCSD within one (1) year from the coupon payment date at the offices of the Payment Administrator at 110, Athinon Avenue, Athens, on working days from 9:00 to 16:00, or to a bank account indicated by the heirs of deceased Bondholders, by their written demand, to the Payment Administrator, and b) through a cash deposit in the Deposits and Loans Fund (TPD) made by  ATHEXCSD after the lapse of one (1) year. All costs of any kind of the creation of such deposit (indicatively, and not limited to, right and duty of the TPD, etc.) shall be borne the beneficiaries.

It is hereby clarified that according to the current applicable legislation, the right to collect interest is subject to statute of limitation upon the lapse of five (5) years from the end of the year within which the claim was born [i.e. for the interest of the above second  (2nd) interest period until 31/12/2027] and that after their prescription according to the above any uncollected amounts are definitively transferred to the Hellenic Republic.