INTRAKAT - 2023 Financial Calendar
INTRAKAT announces its 2023 Financial Calendar, in accordance with articles 4.1.2 (b) & of the Hellenic Exchanges' Regulation and in the context of timely and proper notification of the investor community:
Thursday 27/04/2023 - Release of the Annual Financial Results for FY 2022, which will be posted on the Athens Exchange website ( and on the company's website (, following the closing of the ATHEX trading session.
Wednesday 10/05/2023 - Annual reporting to analysts regarding the Company's financial results of the FY 2022
Friday 30/06/2023 - Shareholders' Annual General Assembly
The Board of Directors will propose to the Shareholders' Annual General Assembly the non-distribution of dividend for the FY 2022.
The Company reserves the right to modify the above dates, after informing the investor community in good time with an amendment to the present, in accordance with the provisions of the Hellenic Exchanges' Regulation.