ANNOUNCEMENT OF REGULATED INFORMATION PURSUANT TO LAW 3556/2007: Notification of a change in the percentage of shareholders in terms of voting rights

Athens, August 4th, 2023



ANNOUNCEMENT OF REGULATED INFORMATION PURSUANT TO LAW 3556/2007: Notification of a change in the percentage of shareholders in terms of voting rights


EYDAP SA pursuant to the provisions of Law 3556/30.4.2007, informs the investing public that, in accordance with the relevant notification of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance dated 03/08/2023 , the total percentage of voting rights (indirect and direct) controlled by the Greek State amounts to 65,319,740 (61.33%), of which the direct voting rights concern 53,250,001 common registered shares (50% +1 share) and the indirect voting rights concern 12,069,739 (11, 33%) common registered shares. 

The total voting rights of the Greek State in EYDAP S.A. (directly and indirectly) remained unchanged at 61.33%. The change concerns the automatic and free transfer of 53,250,001 shares (50%+1 share) on 03.08.2023, owned by the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. (HCAP S.A.) to the Greek State, in accordance with the provisions of article 64 of the law 5045/23 (Government Gazette Α΄136/29-7-2023). 

The voting rights of the 12,069,739 common registered shares (11.33%) relate to the percentage of share capital directly held by Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund S.A. (HRADF) in EYDAP S.A. The Greek State completely controls 100% of the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. (HCAP S.A.) which, in turn, by controlling 100% of the " Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund S.A. (HRADF), indirectly controls the voting rights in question. 

The total percentage of participation (direct and indirect) of the Greek State has not changed.